Friday 6 August 2010


For my thesis-submitting party, RitaB brought me flowers.  I've already taken some photos of them, because I can't resist.  Today they just caught my eye again.   

Now, of course, sunflowers will always remind me of the Doctor... and Vincent.  =)


tammiemg said...

It's like that one episode just altered my reality - or my experience of sunflowers!
I was actually sitting in the pastor's office the other evening and there are two Van Gogh's on her wall and all I wanted to ask if she was a fan of the Doctor's......

Barb said...

I don't know the Doctor, but I love sunflowers, and this is a very pretty shot.

Amie V said...

tammie, it's so true. i already like van gogh, and i already liked sunflowers, but now... it's like a different world. =)

barb, you should check out the doctor. i think i've told you that before, but still. i'm spreading the good news of the doctor. ;)