Thursday 19 August 2010

Sunny Day, Sweepin' the Clouds Away

(sing with me now...) on my way to where the air is sweet... can you tell me how to get--  how to get to...

C'mon.  You rememeber that song, right?  Surely you do.  =D

That is not where I was going today.  But it was a sunny day, with the wind consistently keeping the clouds in motion.  And it was definitely warm enough for me to wear one of my newly-acquired fashionable type outfits.  Thanks, Paige!  I love it when you get tired of clothes.  ;) 

So I wore my sundress, just for fun, and sat outside before my counselling appointment (which is where this shot was taken), and then I sat on the green by Elphinstone in the sun and read for a while (til the clouds blew in instead of out... then I went home).  It was so nice.  And probably one of the last good days we'll have this year. 


Barb said...

See, you're wishing for more days warm enough to enjoy outdoors, and I'm waiting for the weather to get cool enough to tolerate being outside for more than 5 minutes without dripping with sweat. Which is the lesser of two evils?

Amie V said...

a happy medium, that would be nice.

i'd actually say the heat would be the lesser evil for me... but that's probably just because i'm tired of it being cold all the time. ;)