Monday 20 September 2010

Oh. My. Life.

Yeah, I can look happy now.  This morning I suffered through two of the most intense hours of my life thus far... and I'm so glad that's over! 

The story of the viva will be saved for another time and place.  The emotions will be chronicled here, briefly. 

Beforehand: stage fright. 
During: intimidation, nerves, near-tears twice, some thankfulness.
After: relief (I cried.  From relief.  Brian laughed at me, but not in a mean way.)
Home after: happy happy joy joy! 
Later: disbelief. 
At the party: relief (again), thankfulness (mostly for friends to celebrate with me), giddiness (champagne).
After the party: exhaustion, disbelief, oh-sh*t-what-now, adrenaline crash let-down. 
Bedtime: nervous (again), and the mood swings start... I wonder how long this will last? 

Whatever.  I'm done.  For now, that's got to be enough.  =D


Barb said...

That's a fun pic :) I completely understand all the emotions. hopefully the rest of your up-in-the-air life will soon work out as well as the viva, and we'll get to experience the giddy Amie once again. I pray this is so.

Amie V said...

thanks, barb. =)