Tuesday 21 September 2010

Flowers for AmieVaughan

Hahahahaha... see what I did there?  Made a play on a short story title, but with my name?  Cos the flowers are for me?  D'ya get it?  Huh?? 

They are from my mum.  So I started to do 'Flowers from EdnaVaughan', but decided I liked it better keeping it 'for', just like the story. 

No, I'm not a literature nerd.  Why do you ask? 

And thanks for the flowers, mom. 


Barb said...

very pretty. you deserve a good floral pick-me-up.

Amie V said...

i could have done wihtout all the glitter they sprayed on them. why do florists feel the need to 'decorate' their flowers? they are gorgeous enough as god made them. silly people.