Thursday 15 July 2010

Thank Goodness My Bags Were So Heavy!

I came back to Aberdeen today, and my bags were, of course, too heavy.  I had to walk back from the train station, all the way up hill to my flat.  It's not a short distance.  My roller suitcase, an overnight bag, my backpack, and a carrier bag.  I was dying.  I had to stop again and again to switch hands on my roller suitcase, it was killing me.  But once, when I turned 'round to switch hands, I was treated to this sight:

I stopped and gazed a few minutes.  The next time I stopped and looked around, it was gone.  


Barb said...

Well I guess that is looking on the bright side of things - beautiful rainbow!

Amie V said...

it was so much better in person, too. when i turned around, with my arms burning and gasping for breath, i literally gasped. i wasn't expecting it, and it was so vivid. =)