Sunday 4 July 2010

Technical Difficulties

So we got robbed.  Someone broke into our flat whilst I was out at lunch with a friend.  Of all the times to not be home, when I'm usually home.  Figures. 

I don't think I lost any pictures, but I lost all my work from the past six years-- except for an email copy of my last draft that Brian had.  *sigh* 

I'm currently borrowing a laptop from the university, and waiting to hear what the police find or what the insurance will give us.  Until I have a computer of my own to put my pictures on, I'll have to take a hiatus here.  Sad, I know. 

But I'm still taking photos a day, and I'll be back!


Barb said...

Let me just say, this makes me MAD!!! And I can't believe you lost your work - back up, Amie, back up! At least Brian had a copy. Praise the Lord for that. I guess I'll give you your hiatus, but don't be too long, you hear...

Amie V said...

i did back up! on two hard drives, and one thumb drive! all three of which were taken. =(

as soon as i can be up and loading again, i will be. promise!

Barb said...

Holy cow, that's ridiculous! I'm so sorry.