Saturday 10 July 2010

The Famous Alva Highland Games!

I think this was the 154th Games, and these are the only ones still held in Clackmananshire, the wee county.  Sadly, they weren't so great because it rained all. day. long.  The poor strong men had trouble even gripping the cabers and other throwing things, and the dancing had to be moved to somewhere else, and only one pipe band made only one appearance, and the runners and cyclists were filthy with mud.  And me?  I was cold and numb and very damp by the time I left the Games, got fish 'n chips, and went home to watch the 3rd place World Cup match (Germany beat my Uruguay, but just barely). 

Still, I'm not sorry I went.  It was still fun.  And they have a carnival all week, too! 


Barb said...

And you still got to see Scottish men in kilts being all burly!

Amie V said...

it's true. that's always a plus. although some were nicer to stare at than others... =D