Friday 19 November 2010

Opening Day

Lynch and I went to see HP7 this morning.  We met at 9.45 so we'd be sure to have time to get tickets for the half-ten showing.  It was a good job we got there early, too-- there was one other person in line!  So we scored our tickets and went to Starbucks, where they did indeed have eggnog lattes (which is never a guarantee here).  Then we saw the film, and it was okay.  I liked it better than the past five (two was the last one I even remotely enjoyed...) except for the end.  I mean, why are we supposed to care about characters who have been written out of every storyline for several films but show up now all dramatic and moving?  NO.  I say no.  I cried in the book, but I did not allow myself to cry in the film.  Because you can't just pull someone in like that and expect there to be a relationship and a reason to mourn their passing.  Stupid hollywood. 

Otherwise, it was fine.  I think because they are doing it in two parts and not leaving out every single important thing, I'm liking it better.  Then again, I couldn't have expected less from it, so it would have been hard to have my expectations disappointed. 

We were going to take out photo with one of the promo posters, which had been up even yesterday, but there was nothing.  Not a single poster.  Nowhere.  It was bizarre.  So we look puzzled by this, and annoyed with the ending.  Pretty much says it all. 


Barb said...

I wanted my photo with the movie poster, but it wasn't there either! Bummer!

Amie V said...

i don't get it. they were there the day before. silly cinemas.