Saturday, 31 July 2010

Happy 30th Birthday, Harry Potter!

Yes, I do realise the fact that I not only know what day his birthday is but what year makes me a very big dork.  And I'm okay with that. 

In honour of my thesis being ready to be turned in on Monday, and of course since it was dear wee Harry who got me on this long thesis road to begin with, we had a partay.  With Hogwarts themed food, of course, like deviled eggs and chocolate frogs and Gryffindor-coloured rice krispy treats and such.  It was a great spread, and a great low-key celebration with my great Aberdeen friends. 

Friday, 30 July 2010

Moulded To My Rear

This is where I've been seated for far too long.  I'm sure you can see my bum-imprint there...

I may never sit on this loveseat again once I'm done. 

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Literature Review

I am hating this part.  These are the books I own that I had to dig out to get citations from, and bibliographies, and whatnot.  Ugh.  I really, really hate this part.  Can I not do it?  Please can I skip this part? 

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The Bunny...

the bunny, oh I ate the bunny.  I didn't eat my soup or my bread just the bunny.  The bunny, the bunny, oh I love the bunny...

but now I feel sick in the head... from the thesis.  Not the bunny.  The bunny sacrificed himself so that I can write.  Thank you, bunny. 

Tuesday, 27 July 2010


Often annoying, as well.  But entertaining when he starts chasing reflections and climbing the doors.  Literally. 

Monday, 26 July 2010

Health and Safety!

The fire door that should always stay open at the back of Lynch's office, the one that takes us out to the garden, is now locked.  And bolted.  And impossible to get out. 

This is dangerous.  And very sad.  No more work picnics.  Boo-hoo! 

Hello, lovely garden.  I can only enjoy you through the window, now....

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Crazy Day

I went to church this morning, which is shocking enough in itself, because my friend Scot was preaching.  I got there to find out that I was also a Scripture reader.  What?!  That was the first I'd heard of it!  But I'm good, I can read.  I actually like reading-- I just like it better when I know about it ahead of time.  =D

After church, which was good, I spent the afternoon with Carrie.  We went to a artsy craftsy show at the Academy, and got coffee, and just hung out.  And I bought new flip flops.  For £1 at Primark.  Why, you might ask?  Because it started pouring down rain (despite it having been hot and gorgeous on my way to church) while Carrie and I were out, and my flip flops were worn enough on the bottom that I could barely stay upright on the slick paving stones of Union Street.  It was seriously bad.  Carrie practically had to carry me!  These were much better, and I didn't slip at all afterwards. 

Then I came home and started writing again.  The End. 

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Thesis-Writing Day-Retreat

Lynch is currently house-sitting for two families in the BoD, so we had a writing day retreat at one house.  Honestly, I didn't get much done.  But then again, I hadn't seen another person for days... and there was wine!  And food!  And wine!  Oh wait.  I mentioned that already. 

These are the bestest wine glasses ever.  You can fit like half a bottle in one glass.  That's my kind of serving.  =D

Friday, 23 July 2010

Ha. Hahahaha.

My birthday card to Kenny.  It cracked me up.
And yes, I realise my photographs are pretty lame these days.  Hey, I'm trying to finish a thesis here.  Don't expect too much from me.  =D

Thursday, 22 July 2010


I'm pretty much inside all day, every day, writing my fingers to the bone and trying to get done so I can submit by the end of the month (which is later than I intended, since tomorrow would be my one month from my intention to submit form...), giving myself a wee bit of extra time from the break-in and work/stuff loss.  So I glance out the window as often as I can, and saw this. 

I realise that it's a big huge ugly block of flats, but the sun hitting it contrasted with the grey all around just made me smile. 

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

After the Rain...

I had to be on campus for a counselling appointment, and it had been raining on and off all day.  That has it's downsides, of course, but the upside is the gorgeous flowers speckled with drops I saw on my walk to and fro. 

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Happy Birthday Cake, Kenny!

I also made cupcakes, but this wee baby is all Kenny's.  It's a yellow cake with chocolate butter cream frosting.  This came out of a regular cake pan, but our oven cooks oddly, so it was all uneven.  I decided I'd make it a layer cake of the miniature variety, and it worked out splendidly.  And tasted great.  At least the cupcakes did. 

Monday, 19 July 2010

The Latest in Home Security

Two locks, a chain... and a baseball bat.  Although actually, it's neither long enough or heavy enough to be a real baseball bat.  Close enough. 

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Really Cheap Wine

Actually, it's not that bad.  It was 3 for £10, so not great, but... I had to travel with it home, from Alva to Aberdeen.  This was just easier. 

Saturday, 17 July 2010

It's a Name for a Girl... It's Also a Thought That Changed the World

Thank you, U2.  It's also the name of my new laptop. 

So the insurance wouldn't cover my laptop, because I'm a renter, despite the fact they told Kenny a couple of years ago that I would be covered since I'm not on a contract as an official lodger.  Stupid racket, insurance.  Luckily, Kenny's laptop (old and broken, not new one--he had that one with him) was stolen as well.  So he claimed for it, and gave me the new one they sent.  Grace indeed!  Thank you, Kenny.  =)

Friday, 16 July 2010


I spend a lot of time at this bus shelter, waiting on First buses to come and take me back into the city centre from the Bridge of Don.  This one was about 10.30 at night. 

I had met Brian for the final time this afternoon (he's out of town for the next three weeks, and I'm submitting by the time he comes back), then went to Liz's office for a while, and then we headed out to BoD for an Ashvale treat (fish 'n chips, with a voucher!).  We spent the evening at her place, eating and drinking and catching up.  It had been two weeks since we'd hung out, and that was far too long.  It was a great evening.  Til I had to wait almost an hour for a bus that was due long before it showed up.  But I had a nice conversation with another man waiting as well, which was a bonus.  That doesn't usually happen.  Usually it's the creepy drunk men that want to talk.  *shudder*

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Thank Goodness My Bags Were So Heavy!

I came back to Aberdeen today, and my bags were, of course, too heavy.  I had to walk back from the train station, all the way up hill to my flat.  It's not a short distance.  My roller suitcase, an overnight bag, my backpack, and a carrier bag.  I was dying.  I had to stop again and again to switch hands on my roller suitcase, it was killing me.  But once, when I turned 'round to switch hands, I was treated to this sight:

I stopped and gazed a few minutes.  The next time I stopped and looked around, it was gone.  

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Liz gave me some Aztec spice choco-tea, cos she thought it was gross.  I think it's okay.  And they give you fortune-cookie type fortunes in it.  What's not to like?  Here are mine from the past few days:

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

My Fictional-Character Crush

Yes, yes, I know.  I am a dork.  Please don't tell me again, I've heard it enough.  But I have been waiting for months for this season premiere.  I've watched reruns just to get a fix.  Finally-- FINALLY-- it is back. Oh, how I love him. 

Oh, H.  If I ever get brutally murdered in suspicious circumstances, I totally want you on my case.  Please ?

Monday, 12 July 2010


I need all the help I can get.  Some days, I get to a point where I just can't do any more. 

Sunday, 11 July 2010

The Final

I had wanted my Uruguay to go all the way.  Oh well.  In my initial choosing of 16 teams (from each of the initial group match-ups, I picked one.  Those were my half of the teams I 'supported'.), I had picked the Netherlands.  I had not picked Spain. 

But... after seeing how the Dutch were playing in the first half, I totally wanted Spain to win.  I mean, they kicked a guy full-on in the chest with their spikes!  That's just not right.  I don't care how badly you want to win, you don't play to injure the other team.  Sheesh.  And the ref just wasn't sending people off for dangerous stuff!  So Spain needed to win.  And win they did.  And I supported that. 

I had a good World Cup.  Next year is both the Women's (soccer/football) World Cup, and the Rugby World Cup.  Woot.  A very good year, indeed. 

Saturday, 10 July 2010

The Famous Alva Highland Games!

I think this was the 154th Games, and these are the only ones still held in Clackmananshire, the wee county.  Sadly, they weren't so great because it rained all. day. long.  The poor strong men had trouble even gripping the cabers and other throwing things, and the dancing had to be moved to somewhere else, and only one pipe band made only one appearance, and the runners and cyclists were filthy with mud.  And me?  I was cold and numb and very damp by the time I left the Games, got fish 'n chips, and went home to watch the 3rd place World Cup match (Germany beat my Uruguay, but just barely). 

Still, I'm not sorry I went.  It was still fun.  And they have a carnival all week, too! 

Friday, 9 July 2010

Good Day Sunshine!

Today was one of the few days that it wasn't cloudy and windy and rainy.  Well, it was windy, but not too bad.  And the sun was blazing for a while, so I went out to the park across the road to study.  I sat there for an hour or so, til the clouds started moving in on the wind.  Boooo!  But still, it was nice to get out in the sun for a wee while, at least...

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Most Comments Ever!

For my breakfast today, I made french toast and covered it with bananas and strawberries.  It. Was. Delicious. 

I posted about it on Facebook, and I got more comments on it than any other status ever.  More than 25!  I think the final count was 26 or 27.  It was awesome. How much fun is that?!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

My Study Spot

I always wanted a window seat as a kid, to sit in and read.  I don't have one in Aberdeen, but I have one in Alva.  I've done some of my best work sitting here...

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

My World Cup Crush

Four years ago, in the first World Cup I ever really watched, I picked a 'crush'.  He was just the guy who really caught my eye, good looking and great to watch in action.  His name was Prso, from the Czech Republic (after the fact, I found out that he played for Glasgow Rangers, but retired right after the World Cup.  Bummer!).  So this time, watching the first games, I decided I'd pick another this year.  Before I'd even seen him play, I chose this man:

And boy, do I have good taste!  Not only is he good looking, but he is amazing to watch!  He's one of the top scorers of the tournament so far, and is a great sportsman, as well.  Yay, me!  And yay, Diego Forlan!  =D

Monday, 5 July 2010

Making Myself Comfortable

The only thing I don't like about staying at Paige's is her bed.  It's just too firm for me, and it ends up giving my back and hips problems.  This time, I devised a solution:

If you can't tell from the photos, I took the duvet and doubled it up.  I slept on top of it, like a feather bed.  Then I just piled a fleece, a fuzzy throw, and a quilt on top to keep me warm.  It worked.  In the summer.  I'm not sure it would have been so nice in the winter, though...

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Happy Independence Day!

It's rainy and gloomy here, and there won't be any fireworks.  I am doing the closest thing I can to have a barbeque and celebrate-- I'm making hot dogs! 

Okay, so technically they are frankfurters.  And they are totally skinny.  And buns don't exist here.  And there's no relish.  But still.  They taste good, and they remind me of home, so that's the best I can do today.  =D

Technical Difficulties

So we got robbed.  Someone broke into our flat whilst I was out at lunch with a friend.  Of all the times to not be home, when I'm usually home.  Figures. 

I don't think I lost any pictures, but I lost all my work from the past six years-- except for an email copy of my last draft that Brian had.  *sigh* 

I'm currently borrowing a laptop from the university, and waiting to hear what the police find or what the insurance will give us.  Until I have a computer of my own to put my pictures on, I'll have to take a hiatus here.  Sad, I know. 

But I'm still taking photos a day, and I'll be back!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

A Pretty Slow Day

When all I can think of to take a photo of is my dinner (oven fries and chilli, ha) then I know I haven't done much.  And I haven't.  I've pretty much gone to the grocery for supplies, and worked.  Which I suppose is a good thing, since working is what I'm here for...

The steak fries were pretty good. 

Friday, 2 July 2010

Alva Thesis Retreat, Take Two

I came down to Alva today, to get away and write and watch the wee flat for part of the time Paige is in the States.  I was lucky enough to get uni to loan me a laptop for a couple of weeks, so I brought that and my work down.  I'm also very glad she has a TV, since the World Cup is still going.  I love it.  Today my crush, Diego Forlan, played with his Uruguay team.  I worked and watched and will continue to do so.  Hopefully it will be as productive as January was...

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Oh, and I Almost Forgot...

Yesterday was the big day.  I got my hair chopped off.  See?
It's a cute wee bob.  I feel like someone out of 'Chicago', the musical-- not necessarily the city.  I like it.  It's cute and curly and I like it.  =D