Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Work in Progress

I have a lot of stuff. 

I guess it depends on what you're judging by.  I just unloaded and unpacked some of all the bunches and bunches and bunches of stuff my sister and her family have, and was totally overwhelmed by it all.  Too. Much.  Stuff!  So here at mom's, I have a lot of stuff.  Not that much, compared to Jen, but still.  Boxes and boxes and boxes.  I'm trying to sort it and repack to keep or give away and just see what I've really got-- mostly it's books, surprise, surprise. 

Here's a look at it in action-- I take a box or three from the garage, and open it.  Then I sort the contents into other boxes:  Christmas, same genre books, kitchen goods, Goodwill.  It's a big project, but I'm a J.  I like to be organised.  And I want to know what I've got when I grab a box, so I'm making lists of what is in every single one.  That way, if I ever get to move somewhere into my own place again, I'll know what to take first, and what all I have. 

Plus, it's good busy-work to keep my mind off other things. 


Barb said...

You make me laugh, making a list of what's in each box. I've written a category on the side of boxes before (Christmas, kitchen, books, etc.), but never made a list. I must not be quite as J as you. Actually, on one test I came out evenly J/P.

Amie V said...

i am very j. and i have a lot of time on my hands...