Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Reading Material

I borrowed Hearts in Atlantis while at my sister's, because she is a big Stephen King fan and has most everything in hardback.  Nice.  I enjoyed that, and when I got back here I discovered in with my books one that my mum had bought for my sister years ago.  I vaguely remembered that I had started reading it when in Tennessee on holiday, and even though I left it out, it must have gotten boxed up with my stuff after I'd gone.  So I decided to finish it before sending it on. 

I almost always enjoy his short stories, and this was no exception.  Some, of course, were better than others-- but it was a great read.  One a night before bed was the plan, but I found myself reading a lot more during the day.  I couldn't help it.  I love a well-crafted story, and when they are bizarre?  So much the better! 

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