Tuesday 4 January 2011

Amoose's Big Move

This is the stuff that's (hopefully) going on my flight to Toronto with me.  I'm only supposed to have one carry-on and no personal item, so I'm already over one bag.  And my carry-on is only supposed to be 5kg, and mine's 10kg-- plus the 5kg personal item.  So... I'm seriously hoping they don't call me on it.  And my wee Amoose-Bouche is making his first big trip.  Look for more from him as the year goes on.  Bear has done this before, so it's old hat for him.  And me.  But I'm not happy about it.


Barb said...

So did they let you travel with all of it? I sure hope so.

Amie V said...

they did... which is a story i'll tell on the other blog eventually. i was quite nervous, though.

tammiemg said...

Whew - since I cheated and have been reading backwards before making comments, I guessed it worked out in the end!