Keeping me honest about my resolution to take a photo a day, in order to capture this very moment in my life, day by day.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Ready For Launch
We spent the afternoon playing around at the Buffalo Museum of Science. They had a Narnia exhibit that just opened today... but, to be fair, the whole experience was pretty underwhelming. Ah well.
I'm in my 30s, the cool aunt to an awesome nephew and niece; I'm an avid reader, cinemaholic and tv addict; I'm aspiring to be a practical theologian now that I've graduated with my PhD from the University of Aberdeen, becoming The Doctor... from here, who knows? Stay tuned!
Sometimes it isn't about the exhibits but the people you are with - if the niece and nephew were included I mean!
they were... although they were both grumpusses, so that made things a little less fun. ;)
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